Wir haben Glück. 70 Jahre Frieden - We are lucky. 70 years of peace

Copyright, AincaArt, Ainca Gautschi-Moser, Foto und Text, Writer, Photographer, Quersatz,
Nachts wird es kalt. It gets cold at night. Foto Hajdú D. András

Im Video (dt. Untertitel) wird sehr gut erklärt, warum SyrierInnen flüchten müssen.

The video explains very well why people from Syria have to flee

Copyright, AincaArt, Ainca Gautschi-Moser, Foto und Text, Writer, Photographer, Quersatz, Refugees
Top left: On the run - afterwards happily reunited - top right: Erdine 2015.09.18 Erdine, walking between Turkey and Greece (Photo ADP) - bottom left 2015.09.18 somewhere (Photographer unknown) - bottom right s. below

A religion teacher gave her students this homework:

You have to flee.
Fill a plastic bag with your most vital things.
The students packed up different things.

But one thing was found in every bag:

A smartphone.

Foto AFP Bulent KILIC - verpixelt von mir
Foto AFP Bulent KILIC - verpixelt von mir

Alameddin, a 13-year-old Syrian boy plays the violin in front of a police barricade near Edirne

Alameddin, ein 13jähriger syrischer Junge spielt Violine in der Nähe von Erdine vor der Polizeibarrikade